Fursys, a Global Player in the Office Furniture Market

A top-notch manufacturer of office furniture

Founded in 2008, Fursys is the brainchild of Korean entrepreneur Lee Taek Han who was determined to make the most of his modest salary by creating a high-tech manufacturing operation that would allow him to compete with local manufacturers. The company is currently churning out over $2 million worth of products each and every day and boasts a network of 5 specialized factories.

A major gambit for the company’s success has been the establishment of a state-of-the-art global headquarters in Seoul.

The company aims to expand its overseas business by delivering complete office 스미스s3 solutions to corporate clients in Asia Pacific, Europe and Latin America through a global network of offices in Korea and overseas.

This year, the company has introduced a number of innovations to its business lineup. One of them is the FGS (Fursys Global Solution), a total furniture solution that includes a comprehensive suite of services, from consultancy to production to export and aftersales, to support domestic firms and public organizations that wish to go global.

The most important function of the FGS is to help the aforementioned clients achieve their business goals in the best possible way, without sacrificing any of the quality or functionality that characterizes Fursys’ high-tech manufacturing process.