How Invisalign Clear Aligners Can Benefit Your Health

If you have been trying to straighten your teeth for years without success, then it’s time to consider the use of Invisalign clear aligners. Clear aligners are clear, removable orthodontic dental braces which are simply a thin, transparent, clear plastic tube-like form of braces used in conjunction with Clearasil to straighten teeth. It is essentially invisible to other people but still obvious to the dentist, and can be adjusted with the push of one button. These braces use a variety of materials, including tooth coloured composites and ceramic composites, and are also custom-made to fit each patient’s mouth and teeth. If you’re considering braces, or even an Invisalign treatment plan, it is important to know what to look for when deciding which system is best for you.

Invisalign is an increasingly popular system to straighten teeth and improve smiles. Clear aligner trays are essentially plastic aligner bands that you wear in your mouth, with the trays hinged together to form a frame over your teeth. A trained dentist will apply the aligner material on your teeth through the trays and then fit the frame to your mouth. When your aligner is ready, it is removed from the trays and placed directly over the teeth. The aligner is meant to stay there and do its work, but new aligner trays are replaced on a weekly basis with new aligner material that fits better and last longer than the old aligner material.

A lot of people prefer invisalign clear aligners because they are extremely discreet. They can’t be seen by other people, even at close distance, making them perfect for college students who want to get their braces and save their acne for home treatment. The fact that they are transparent also helps to hide any metal instruments such as metal brace presses, metal brackets, and metal headgear, which might otherwise have been obvious when viewed through clear braces. Metal tools are uncomfortable to wear all day, so this means that patients need to choose the invisalign clear aligners carefully, as there are several models to choose from. This ensures maximum comfort for the wearer and allows them to see the braces exactly as they should be, helping with self confidence.

Another reason why so many people choose invisalign clear aligners is that they are much more affordable than the alternative. Metal braces, while visually appealing and quite eye-catching, can be incredibly costly. Not only are they very uncomfortable to wear and unattractive, but they are also very expensive to maintain. For this reason, many people look at invisalign clear braces as an alternative. However, if you want to be completely invisible, you’ll likely need to choose a metal bracket brace or other similar device instead. Visibility is increased though by the fact that it can’t be seen when the braces are worn, making it the ideal choice if you want to avoid having people notice your braces.

The invisalign clear aligners system works on the same premise as traditional metal braces, however. Metal braces are set into the teeth through surgery. The bands that secure them to the teeth can be bonded onto the teeth or remade from metal. Either way, the bands are placed and secured permanently onto the teeth, meaning they cannot be removed in the future, unlike the clear braces. This means that they will last the duration of your natural teeth, or until you choose to remove them, whichever comes first.

However, despite their similarity to traditional metal braces, invisalign clear aligners offer far greater benefits over the traditional metal ones. Firstly, as they are invisible, they can actually improve your health in more ways than one. They make teeth much healthier, as they cut down on bacteria that causes decay within the mouth, plaque and tooth cavities. By cutting out the build up of flotsam and food particles, they also make your breath better, as bacteria in the mouth naturally flow to the back of the tongue where it is easily removed with a good floss routine.

Secondly, the invisalign clear aligners can actually be used by children without any parental consent or supervision, making them even more accessible to those who have had orthodontic treatment in the past. No longer does a parent need to worry about the impact that their child’s teeth could have on their lives, or on the social standing of everyone around them. They can use their aligner treatments freely, and without any consequences. This means that the invisalign system has been tailored specifically for kids and so is the most effective at treating mild to moderate crooked teeth.

The third benefit to wearing invisalign clear aligners lies in how little time it takes to start seeing noticeable differences. If you wear traditional braces, it can take months for them to start showing any effects – although this can change depending on how much effort you’re willing to put in to wearing them. However, wearing these clear braces for just six weeks can already show you results. Not only are your teeth aligning but they will be stronger and have a smoother surface to reflect light back. As these changes continue over time, you’ll soon begin to see a real change in your overall appearance, and it will be obvious to everyone that you’ve got straight teeth all the time.